Welcome to Villa Supported Homes

We offer exceptional supported living in North Birmingham

Welcome to Villa Supported Homes

We offer exceptional supported living in North Birmingham

Hello and welcome to a brief introduction to Villa Support Homes. We as an organisation understand that any enduring mental illness can be a frightening and difficult situation to cope with on your own, we provide you with a supported environment which is safe, secure, and comfortable for you to progress forward at a rate which suits you.

Mission Statement

We provide supported accommodation that endeavors to provide a warm and relaxing environment that is achieved by clients and staff working together. The support team are committed to offering each client freedom of choice, promote independence and give friendly confidential advice. We also believe and actively promote empathy, understanding and unconditional positive regard and respect for all.

Aims and Objectives

Our aim to improve the lives to those affected by enduring mental health conditions alongside other dual diagnoses.

Supporting people to live in the community whilst helping them to rebuild their confidence and life skills. We will do this by providing quality support in a safe and secure environment.

We provide supported accommodation that endeavours to provide a warm and relaxing environment that is achieved by clients and staff working together. The support team are committed to offering each client freedom of choice, promote independence and give friendly confidential advice. We also believe and actively promote empathy, understanding and unconditional positive regard and respect for all.


  • Every client has the right to privacy, dignity and respect

  • Every client will be given the freedom of choice to voice their views and opinions on every aspect of their support

  • The managers are committed to act on all complaints in a sensitive manner and within time boundaries

  • All clients basic human rights are promoted

  • We have a strong commitment to promote equality, fair access, diversity and inclusion